Psychology Essay 代写 : 病人健康应用积极心理学

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Psychology Essay 代写 : 病人健康应用积极心理学

在每个人的生活中的幸福取决于内在的积极性和乐观,如果他们被自己压抑,这些将导致他们的思想中的消极性。积极心理学有助于打击消极的思想、行为和心理健康问题的增长率。例如,要凝聚焦虑、内部冲突和消极情绪,我们必须积极应对,必须在它的有利方面看到。山墙和Haidt(2005)指出,它不仅着眼于个人而不是专注于整个家庭、团体和机构,它们开花。据(丝丹娜,Snowdon,& Friesen,2001)。人的体验和表达的正是满足的,幸福的生活,他们的生产生活都能达到理想的目标,积极心理学定义积极心理学是科学的角度对生命的价值是什么。它侧重于人类的条件,导致幸福,实现和繁荣的方面。Linley,约瑟夫,哈林顿和木(2007。

Psychology Essay 代写 : 病人健康应用积极心理学

In every individuals life happiness depends upon the inner positivity and optimism, if they are being suppress by themselves these will lead to negativity in their thoughts. Positive psychology helps in combating against negative thoughts, behavior and increasing rate of mental health issues. For instance, to condensed anxieties, internal conflicts and negative emotions we must cope up positively, and must see on the beneficial aspect of it. Gable & haidt (2005) states that It not only focuses on individual instead it focuses on whole families, groups and institution and bloom them. According to (Danner, Snowdon, & Friesen, 2001).People who experience and express positively are satisfied, happy and live productive life and they are able to reach desirable goal.The journal of positive psychology defines that Positive psychology is about scientifically informed perspectives on what makes life worth living. It focuses on aspects of the human condition that lead to happiness, fulfillment, and flourishing. Linley, Joseph, Harrington & Wood (2007.

The rationale behind selecting this topic is that positive psychology helps us in building up the self-esteem and self-confidence of patients who has infectious disease and is terminally ill and creates a ray of hope for family how to respond towards it. Besides this positive psychology is also use to decrease the rate of suicidal attempts, domestic and work-place violence and other negative behavior such as harassments. In addition to this, it cures mentally ill or psychologically disturbed people by enhancing their inner hidden capabilities of skills by using occupation therapy.Sheldon & king (2001) stated that positive psychology needed to accept open and appreciative aspects of human abilities, their aims and objective and their capabilities. I observed this clinical scenario at karwan-e-hayat that while decorating a box in occupational therapy Suddenly, Patient said that this is my gift as I have birthday on next week, she further state that "my mother will bring cake on my birth day", than our faculty ask if your mother can't able to bring cake than what you will do she said "I will kill myself" than our faculty guide her by diverting her mind from self-harming and give idea that you can put jam on slice and think it as a cake and cut it. So with this positive aspect we celebrate her birthday. It helps every individual to deal with the crisis by using the positive side of the coin and it stops the negative thoughts and benefits us by achieving the desired goal. On other hand, as a nurse effective communication, positive remarks and rewards to patients will build the positivity in patients thought.

Positive psychology buffers the person ability against daily life stressor's and empowers human strength. Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs, 2001; Derryberry,( 1993 as cited in Cohn, Frederickson, Mikels, Conway, 2009) recommends it is true that negative emotion counter the effects of positive emotion. Three board dimension of positive psychology is well define by Compton (2005) includes subjective, individual and group or societal. They are discussed in this paper.


