Environmental Sciences Essay 代写 Implementation Of Commercial Biogas Digesters

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Human Resources

Grameen Shakti has established its wide span network throughout the country. In the Faridpur Municipality, Grameen Shakti is operating its business through a Divisional Office, a Regional Office and a Branch Office with sufficient human resources. The Branch Office will operate the proposed biodigesters and the Divisional Office and the Regional Office will supervise the activities of the Branch Office. Grameen Shakti will provide necessary training to the staff for operating the proposed biogas plant.

Potential Benefits

In general, it contributes to affordable energy gas utility service to the households in municipal people who cannot access to natural gas distribution network. The biogas is self-sufficient and renewable energy source which contributes to the energy security of Bangladesh as well. Moreover, biogas could potentially help reduce global climate change. Normally, wastes that are left to decompose releases two main gases that cause global climate change: nitrous dioxide and methane. In addition, the municipality dwellers will get a pleasant life without odours from landfill sites and authority would be able to use the recovered space for some other good purposes.

Through this project, every year more than 1,250 tons of biomass use will be replaced by biogas. As a result, there will be no indoor pollution. House wives will get more time to take care of their kids. There will be pollution free environment as the households organic waste will go into the digester. Improved quality organic fertilizer as bioslurry will be produced. This fertilizer can supplement chemical fertilizers which destroy the soil quality. Bioslurry from the biogas digesters is dried before its use in agricultural lands as soil conditioner.

For social and environmental aspects, the programme mitigates the impacts of biomass reliance included forestation, drudgery of rural women and children tasked with collecting, drying and using biomass and health impacts of indoor air pollution to women and children. Most importantly, the CPA contributes to the sustainable economic development of Bangladesh from various aspects.

Potential Hazards

During the survey, it appeared that interviewees are very concern about the potential odor nuisance from the proposed biodigesters. However, it is evident that biological degradation through fermentation process usually reduces the bad smell of the organic waste up to 80-90%. Moreover, if the proposed biodigesters will install beside the main road it may cause visual intrusion to the city dwellers.

Every morning there would be a possibility of traffic congestion at the site area if all the 64 vans will appear at the same time. However, good management may reduce the potential risk. It would be also a huge challenge for the municipal authority to provide only the organic portion of the municipal waste collected from the households as it requires public acceptance and awareness. Proper awareness program can change the person's habit of gathering all types of waste together. During winter when temperature goes down, the biogas production in the biodigesters will be reduced as well. It will cause some trouble of getting less gas for the potential biogas users.


The CDM project's aim is to provide renewable energy facility to the municipality residents as well as to facilitate a smart solution for municipal solid waste. This CPA will be a bold step against the global climate change and a strong commitment towards the environment conservation which will eventually ensure the sustainable development of Bangladesh. Although this report mentioned some potential hazards concerning this project, appropriate management strategies would solve most of them. In conclusion, this feasibility study found numerous positive indications in favor of the proposed CDM PoA and evidently this project is feasible considering technical, social, legal and environmental aspects.

