墨尔本经济学论文代写 Safety Health And Environmental Management System

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墨尔本经济学论文代写 Safety Health And Environmental Management System

As consumers become more aware about the economical, social, environmental impact of businesses on their lives, they have started demanding more from the companies and organizations in terms of a better social, economic, environmental structure that does not compromise their lives. Sensing the change in the business environment and consumer focus, John Elkington explained the concept of triple bottom line (TBL) in his book "Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business" published in the year 1997.

Since then the scale and scope of the triple bottom line has increased dramatically and each angle of the Triple Bottom Line is divisible into multiple TBLs that is nothing but combination of several factors and how they influence the lives of the people locally, nationally and internationally. It is becoming increasingly important for businesses to engage not only with their customers or suppliers but also with the people around. This can be possible only when a company moves from a singular view of bottom-line i.e. profits alone to a multi-dimensional view of triple bottom-line that incorporates social, economical as well as the environmental aspect in business strategy and reporting.

Triple Bottom Line Concept:

A TBL does not mean 'No Profit' but it does mean 'profit and something greater' that will include the people and the planet in the broader sense The TBL concept is an approach that expresses the impact of a business and its sustainability on a local and global scale. [1]

The triple bottom line comprises of "social, economic & environmental". There is also another popular phrase i.e. "people, planet and profit" coined for Shell by Sustainability, which derived influence from the 20th century urbanist Patrick Geddes's concept of 'folk, work and place'.

We shall now try to understand about each of the three pillars of the Triple Bottom Line concept that alone may not be beneficial to everyone but when combined with other two pillars of the TBL will lead to a mutually beneficial proposition to the businesses the people and all the stakeholders that will include the government as well.

Pillar 1: Social

The first pillar of TBL relates to the social aspect of businesses. The social aspect includes the employees, the customers and the local people where the business operates. In terms of the employees, the businesses have started understanding that employees are no longer just people working in the company for wages/ salary but they are now the social face of the business that needs requires to be managed properly to attain trust and create a positive image in the marketplace. Employers can no longer treat employees as manual machines and they do understand it well.

Today the employers are increasingly engaging, and that too with keen interest and not out of compulsion, with their employees in terms of all round development as a social citizen representing the business and themselves. Businesses are making their workplaces more employee-friendly and are offering various facilities for self-development to uplift the confidence and social status of their employees. Apart from focussing on the employees, the businesses worldwide understand that the local person where the business operates is critical for the success of the business. If you do not win the trust of the people then it will harm the business. Sometimes companies ignore local population that has eventually led to more trouble for the company even though they may not be the customers, but they can influence the customers by the negative image they create of the company.

In simple terms, a TBL business will not use child labour, pay fair salaries and wages to its workers, maintain a safe & healthy work environment including tolerable working hours and prevent from exploiting the local community or the labour force. A TBL active business is also likely to "give back" by contributing for the strength and growth of its community in areas of health care and education. Quantification of this bottom line is relatively new and often subjective. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has elaborate guidelines that enable corporation and NGOs to report on the social impact of a business.

