
6 年前 477次浏览 美国哲学论文代写:培养品德方面已关闭评论



Conversely, the civil society plays a vital role for the cultivation of virtuous dispositions, because it can offer concrete and commonly shared standards for people to distinguish good and evil. Hobbes notes that there is no standard in distinguishing good from evil in moral philosophy, because people can have different perceptions of appetites and aversions. In this aspect, the lack of standards will prove detrimental to the cultivation of virtuous dispositions, because individuals can have great difficulties in establishing particular boundaries between virtues and evils. In this case, Hobbes demonstrates that before the establishment of a civil society, there will be “no Common Rule of Good and Evil”, because different people will have different desires (Hobbes). With the construction of the civil society, people will have common standards and rules to follow and adjust their habits, which will help develop virtuous dispositions. Meanwhile, the emergence of a civil society based on social contracts will also stimulate the rise of virtuous dispositions, because people will be willing to make certain virtuous actions for the sake of peace and self-preservation. Hobbes reveals that the civil society is built upon endeavored effort by individuals in pursuing various virtues, such as gratitude and humility, in an attempt to construct a peaceful co-existence between social members. Thus, it is clear that Hobbes believes that a civil society is of particular significance for the cultivation and socialization of virtuous dispositions.To recapitulate, Hobbes perceives the laws of nature not as particular actions, but as particular willingness of virtuous individuals in pursuing a peaceful state of the society. Although self-interest has notable implications over the development of virtuous dispositions, Hobbes does not contend that self-interest will lead to virtuous actions, because people are inherently driven by the satisfying of appetites. In this sense, Hobbes reveals that virtues can only exist in a civil society, because it can provide the measurements and stimulations for individuals to transform virtuous dispositions into willingness of actions. Meanwhile, the social contracts made in a civil society can also make virtuous dispositions widely accepted and practiced in the society.

