论文英语 The need for proficient management of HR

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Thesis Motivation

The primary input of this thesis is to providing a basic understanding of the major grounds of stress on the job commitment and the valuation challenges therein. The research is a multi-method design which provides insight into the multidimensional problem regarding the challenges facing the organizations regarding job commitment. The research conducted with the intend of providing help to HR MANAGERS in shaping the factors that increases level of commitment with the job and manage stress between the employees of the organization. The topic of the thesis is ''Impact of stress on job commitment'' among any type of organization, I give preference banking sector of Pakistan that is the large sector, and very much of our economy depend on it.

Human resource is the most priceless resource for an organization and employee job commitment, satisfaction helps the company to sustain a standard and increase in output by motivating and managing the level of stress between the employees. So the study of stress give help to know the felling of employee about their challenging working situation and what are the things that have impact on them to work properly. so when we talk about any type of organization the human resource at all the levels have to input their efforts and try to make maximum use of their abilities which may be produced under supervision or without it. However, there are many expectations from employees working for an organization. In this regard it becomes really important for them to deal in an effective and committed way because banks providing services to its customers because they have no real brand names to back them up ,and it is the duty of the banking sector employees to satisfy their customer from every aspect.

Research problem:

Every where all the issues related to the human resource and dealing with them, in an organization is not an simple task. To keep the employees commited,motivated is crucial function of the HR manager and to retain them as well. Now a days they turnover rate has increased, people are changing their jobs more frequently. To decrease the turnover rate, managers should understand what are his employee needs and what is he looking for in his job. In a short form, manager should know and understand what makes my employees commited and happy at work place.

There are many factors persuade the level of stress. This study describes the factors that are likely to have an impact of stress on employee's job commitment. For commitment problems, the best source of information is the employee. Manager should get employee's point of views and feedback on regular basis that what satisfies them and keeps them retained to do work. Their views can be, to increase their salary or compensation package or to change the working environment or to redesign their jobs etc.

Research Aim and Objective:

The overall objective of the research is to study the impact of stress on job commitment. The study will be performed on Pakistani organizations which are focusing on formal methods of developing their employee's performance, motivation, job satisfaction. This study will be conducted in a large sector of Pakistan that is banking sector. Therefore, this Study will highlight the impact of stress on job commitment, its power to Increase the performance and its influence on Pakistan's business environment.

Based on the above research the research objectives of the study can be explain as follow:

To resolve whether there is a statistically significant relationship between stress and job commitment.Beceause the globalization of the business is dynamic and hr managers of every organizations trying to get it out maximum output with their human capital to meet the challenges of the business enviornment,and it is only possible when the employee is fully commited with their job and also able to manage their work releated stress.

to find out what is stress and how it can be managed to increase job commitment.

to provide assistance to the mangers that how they can reduce employee's stress in banking sector of pakistan.

Research Question

This thesis fulfils this aim through the investigation of the following primary

research question:

论文英语 The need for proficient management of HR

