
8 年前 372次浏览 伦敦国王学院论文代写:樱桃采摘已关闭评论

一般来说,樱桃采摘是毋庸置疑的,它的数据显示明显的长处在朝鲜教育辅助系统,它不过提醒我们“半满还是半空”的论点。,而韩国高中生在阅读和数学教育、教师为中心的课堂环境中轻松地教,他们仍然不够精通创造性的过程以及在学术写作的艺术。更重要的是,朝鲜sat在很大程度上是基于一个系统的多项选择题,和几乎没有关注评估创造力和写作的技巧。在我数学教育学生的言语,公园Ga-yee(坐)高中“考试包括多项选择题。然而,学生只是学习如何选择一个好的答案,因此不再是东部的方法有利于学生在当前时间。“她真的意味着韩国高中未能提供纯贸易的准备教育学生通过sat考试的必要手段进入大学,这不再是一个可行的事情在当今社会。因此走向西方的教育方法是必要的。从本质上讲,系统的评价是一个明显的韩国高中进入大学以来的缺点主要是确定不是在高中学生成绩,而是在sat分数他们实现。因此,由于高中教育的主要目标是培养学生的sat和年度sat考试失败以来技能与创造性的过程和课堂参与整个高中年考虑,韩国学生是由于准备不足以来大学教育大学教育/评估在韩国非常不同于韩国的高中。毕竟,大学,特别是排名高的韩国大学和国外,总是要求相对较高的创造性思维,自我激励,从学生满意的写作技巧。根据Eo Jo-Hyang,我的韩国大学,“我们必须改变入学考试的形式。不是选择而是写他的意见,也许他可以提高他的思维方式。


In general, while the cherry picked data is indisputable and it does show evident strong points in the Korean secondary system of education, it nevertheless reminds us of the 'half empty vs. half full' argument. That is, while Korean high school students do well in reading and math education, easily taught in a teacher centered classroom environment, they are nevertheless insufficiently versed in creative processes as well as in the art of academic writing. What is more, the Korean SATs are for the most part based on a system of multiple choice questions, and there is little focus on assessing creativity and the skill of writing. In the words of my math education student, Park Ga-yee, (SAT) high school "examination consists of multiple choices questions. However, students only learn how to pick a good answer, therefore the Eastern approach is no longer helpful for students in current time." What she really means is that Korean high schools fail to provide pure education in a trade off for preparing students to pass the SATs as a necessary means to enter university, and that this is no longer a viable thing to do in today's society. Thus a move toward a Western educational approach is warranted.In essence, the system of evaluation proves to be an evident shortcoming of Korean high schools since the entrance to universities is primarily determined not by student performance in high school but by the scores they attain on the SATs. Consequently, since the principal goal of high school education is to prepare students for the SATs and since the annual SATs fail to take skills pertaining to creative processes and class participation throughout the high school years into account, Korean students are as a result insufficiently prepared for university education since university education/assessment in and out of Korea is very much unlike that found in Korean high schools. After all, universities, especially the higher ranked Korean universities and those abroad, invariably require relatively higher levels of creative thinking, self motivation and satisfactory writing skills from their students. According to Eo Jo-Hyang, my student at Korea University, "we have to change the form of the entrance exam. Not just choosing but writing his opinion then, maybe he can improve his thinking way.

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