昆士兰代写assignment 生育率将下降

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昆士兰代写assignment 生育率将下降

Teenager mother is one the most topical family in Britain. Britain's rate of fertility would decline from 1.8 to 1.68 lacking of teenager mothers (Coleman and Chandola, Chapter 2; also Coleman 1997). Teenagers in Europe both East and West now engage in having sex at earlier ages than their parents or grand-parents however in criticism having sex before marriage. Marriage was broken, little remained to prevent young people who are physically ready to have sex from doing so (McRae, 1999). The analysis of European social attitudes data (Alwin and Braun also Scott, 1996. Chapter 3) gives information about opinions to having sex before marriage in different countries in 1994. In these information,52 per cent were opposed to men, and 63 per cent were opposed to women, having any sex before marriage. Only a small number of men and women believed that having sex before marriage was 'natural' (McKibbin 1998: 296).

Divorce is one of the factor that affect in changes of families structure in different countries as result will bring new kind of family which is single mothers. However Britain has marked one of the countries has the highest separation rate. There were two divorces for every 1,000 marriages in Thirty years ago (McRae, 1999). Relaxation of the separation laws in the 1970s was increasing sharply in divorce rate whereas in 1980s about 1,000 marriages ended in divorce a rate (Pullinger 1998). The rate of divorce is increase slower at present than in the 1970s and early on 1980s largely because the married population contains fewer of those at high risk (Murphy and Wang, Chapter 4). Moreover, marriages will finish in separation measures. In 1971 one in ten divorcing within 6 years compared with one in ten marriages which took place in 1981 started out in separation within 4.5 years (Roberts 1996: 2). Early marriage and parenthood have long been linked strongly related with divorce ( Kiernan and Mueller, chapter16). The greatest growth in divorce rates on people under age 25 with rates increasing for men and women in 1971 and 1996. (Pullinger 1998).


