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II. Porter's 5 Forces Critique

Porter[35] states that the key aspect of a company's environment is the industry it competes because of industry structure has a strong influence on determining the competitive rules and the company's strategies. He also points out that outside forces usually affect all the firms in the industry, which depends on five basic competitive forces(figure 2).

Source: Porter, M. (1980) Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors, MacMillan.

According to this framework, the intensity of competition determines a firm's profitability potential whereas the potential profits are determined by the relative bargaining power of the firms and their customers and suppliers in the industry[80]. According to McGee's[81] idea, these are five fundamental forces that influence the attractiveness of the industry and affect its profitability.

III.Value Chain

A value chain(see figure 3) links a set of value-creating activities that begin with raw materials, and from suppliers then move on to some valued-added producing and marketing activities, and at the end the distributors get the final goods then pass to the hand of the consumer[52].

A systematic analysis of individual value activities can lead to a better understanding of a organisation's capability[52].

IV. Ansoff Matrix

According to Jobber[6], Anosoff Matrix is a useful method to examine growth opportunities. By combining present and new products, and present and new market into a 2x2 matrix, four product strategies known as market penetration or expansion, market development, product development and diversification are revealed(see figure 4 ).

V. The Boston Consulting Group Growth-Share Matrix

According to Jobber[6], BCG matrix(see figure 5) provides guidelines for strategic thinking. By assessing the position of a business in its industry, a company can begin to consider the appropriate strategic objective for each line as well as the investment priorities.

Figure 5 The Boston Consulting Group Growth-Share Matrix

Source[78]:Johnson,G. and Scholes,K.(1999) Exploring Corporate Strategy, fifth edition, Harlow:Financial Times-Prentice Hall


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