
8 年前 416次浏览 多伦多essay代写:发展和继续保持已关闭评论

雀巢公司是一个公司的法律地位,这是一个业务,包括股东。雀巢的主要总部在瑞士,包必达(Peter是首席执行官。根据500年全球,所有者权益。2 46006美元。(全球500强)董事会代表股东管理公司。


Nestlé over the time has developed and continues to maintain a strong reputation on the Food Industry. We consider that Nestlé is on the stage of brand insistency. This means that costumers insist on getting Nestlé's products, and this is considered to be a big advantage for the company. (Nestlé)

The legal status of Nestlé is a corporation, which is a business that includes stockholders. The main headquarter of Nestlé is in Switzerland; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe is the CEO. According to the Global 500, the stockholders equity is 46,006.2 million dollars. (Global 500) The board of directors represents the stockholder on managing the corporation.

Nestlé deals with manufacturing of products, thus, its type of business is manufacturing. Nestlé produces a fairly similar group of individual products. Its products are produced on similar ways, they have fairly similar prices, which make up a great product line. They produce milk and chocolate products, water, baby food, coffee, and so on. Since Nestlé is a huge corporate, they produce on large amounts. We know that when a product is being produced in large amount, its production costs are lower, comparing to products produced on small amounts, thus these lower production costs leads Nestlé to bring its products on the market with reasonable prices, from which the consumers benefit directly. Furthermore, they use a production program which includes green technology (environmental friendly technology) that saves electricity, does not pollute the air which leads to consumers benefits.

They sell different types of chocolates, ice creams, coffees, natural water, baby food, flavored milks, etc. Some of the products offered from Nestlé are NESCAFÉ, NESQUIK, Hot Chocolate, Cocoa, Chocolates, AERO


