
8 年前 494次浏览 代写paper:医学团队工作已关闭评论






Buxton Residential was really a meaningful and memorable experience in my course and which I would never forget in my whole life. It gave me opportunity to know my strengths, weaknesses, improve my personal skills and made me learn how to work as a team. "A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993) . We had to work in small teams comprising of team members of different gender, nationality, culture, ages and having different experience in different fields. It feels great working with them and consequently built up my communication skills which are crucial in team building process.

We had to prepare a poster before the residential. As a group we went through Forming Stage (W.Tuckman, 1965) and distributed individual tasks in specific area for the poster. As I was good in designing I was given that job after the forming stage. It was difficult for me at the start but I managed the job given to me, with mutual confer of the team members, in an effective manner. My role in team meetings was of Team worker as I tend to keep team spirit up and also allowed other team members to contribute effectively. (Belbin,1994). In subsequent 2-3 meetings our team went through the next three stages i.e. Storming, Norming and Performing (W.Tuckman, 1965) in which team members came up with different thoughts, the trust and a rapport was developing between the team members and at the end we finalized the poster with great respect in communication between the team members.

First task after reaching Buxton was 'Town Trail Team Task'. We were given town trail where we have to travel through certain areas of Buxton and find answers for a series of the questions, relating to some of the towns current happenings as well as its history, given to us. This task was planned out in such a way that we get to develop our team working skills and also to identify the strengths and weaknesses within the team. Running through the town for finding answers and submitting it in a limited time proved to be little tougher than I thought. As a team we performed very well but we were not able to score high points in this task. But we managed to get good points in team building. We trusted each other more than before, which is very good indication in team building process.

