conclusion怎么写 研究分析

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购买过程依赖于广泛的信息,必须研究,分析和评价实现集中商品计划。因此,两个英国零售商,股票交易和销售针织品已经被选中了。第一个是Reiss时尚品牌,成立于1970年代初,现在瑞斯是一个跨国时装零售商在世界各地拥有超过90家门店。公司创建和生产方向和设计驱动女装和男装和不同的配件。衣服只能在Reiss商店购买与泰德贝克的衣服。因此,泰德贝克是一个总部位于伦敦的服装公司,提供了一个广泛的收藏包括男装、女装、配饰、香水和眼镜。该公司赢得了美誉的不是普通的设计师标签由于注重细节和古怪的幽默感。品牌运作通过三个主要分销渠道零售、批发和授权。因此,本报告将编译的SWOT选择类别,起草一份购买周期和包括近似计时,参考角色和关键职责的不同部分的购买周期。最后,讨论每个零售商如何呈现他们的范围和解释相似或不同,这些都是翻译在店里。赖斯是一个日益增长的零售业务在英国,股票和销售针织品。公司有许多重要的优势如前所述表中。由于内部优秀的设计团队,零售商得到了行业认可的设计。此外,由于品牌资产控制大卫·瑞斯设法成功地扩展到新城市增长针织品集合。不过,赖斯也很多缺点如缺乏战略推动针织品。实际品牌定位不是所需的位置作为一个过渡性的品牌。更重要的是,零售商不理解外部环境很好,市场是高度饱和。然而,重要的增长机会中可用的业务以及进一步扩大在英国等国家和大洲。如果您在伦敦读书,需要学术帮助,可以与我们的ENLUNWEN 伦敦论文代写 服务联系

conclusion怎么写 研究分析

The buying process relies on a wide range of information, which must be researched, analysed and evaluated to achieve a focused merchandise plan. Therefore, the two UK trading retailers that both stock and sell knitwear have been selected. The first one is Reiss fashion brand that has been established in the early 1970s and now Reiss is a multi-national fashion retailer with over 90 stores around the world. The company creates and produces directional and design-led womenswear and menswear and different accessories. The garments can only be purchased through Reiss stores unlike Ted Baker clothing. Thus, Ted Baker is a London-based clothing firm that offers a wide range of collections including menswear, womenswear , accessories, fragrances and eyewear. The company has earned its reputation as 'No Ordinary Designer Label' thanks to attention to details and a quirky sense of humour. The brand operates through three main distribution channels which is retail, wholesale and licensing. Consequently, this report will compile a SWOT for the chosen category, draw up a buying cycle and include approximate timings, reference the roles and key responsibilities in the different parts of this buying cycle. Finally, discuss how each retailer presents their range and explain similarities or differences and how these are translated in the store.Reiss is a growing retail business in the UK that stocks and sells knitwear. The company has a number of key strengths as mentioned above in the table. Thanks to the excellent inhouse design team, the retailer gained industry recognition for the design. Furthermore, because of the brand equity control David Reiss managed to successfully expand into new cities with growing knitwear collection. However, Reiss has also a number of weaknesses such as lack of the strategy driving knitwear forward. Actual brand positioning is not the desired position as a bridging brand. What is more, the retailer does not understand the external environment very well and that the market is highly saturated. Nevertheless, significant growth opportunities are available within the business as well as further expansion across the UK and other countries and continents.

