建筑学论文代写 采购系统

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建筑学论文代写  采购系统

Design & Built:

Procurement approach provides for an organization to be contracted by a clientto manage a design and construction process with a single point of contact. There may have been preliminary sketch plans developed to indicate a generalized design solution or the design brief may be left fairly open for the design and built contractor to offer proposals. The client appoint a building contractor, the contractor is responsible for type of design and construction. The contactor can be chosen through a tender process or negotiation. The client can appoint a consultant to oversee the project works. So the maximum risk will be transferred to the contractor in the project earlier stage. Cost certainty is achieved at an early stage, so therefore offers a client of high level of certainty.The design team is novated to the contractor and no longer with the control of the client. Most clients choose to retain the services of the QS, So that some control can be maintained over costs.

The contractor provides a fixed price based on the clients specification.If the client requires any changes during the works and the client should be responsible for the cost.

If the design is novated, the client has the advantage that he is able, from the drawing and specification prepared by the consultant to satisfy himself that his needs and intentions are adequately for the tendering purposes. The client's agent may supervise the works and ensure that the contractors are complied with and that the work is not skimped.

Risk:Cost risk is low because it is lump sum basis, time risk is low because the design and built contractor will fix the time and commit themselves, quality and design risk is high.

Advantage:Shorter duration,cost effective, contract sum as determine in early stage, specific purpose clearly stated and less duration compare to traditional routes.

Disadvantage:Client have to engage contractor, before the design completion and difficult for clients to prepare brief adequate.

Management Contracting:

Management type contracts include management contracting and construction management.Managing contracting is an effective method for client retaining control of the design whilst drawing on the experience of a construction specialist as a part of the professional team. The management contractor is likely to be appointed at same time as the designer. The clients separately appoint the designer and contractor and pay the contractor to manage the construction works. This is suitable for fast track project and complex building, however it is less suitable for inexperience clients, cost certainty for before starting construction, clients waiting to pass the risk to the contractor. The use of the procurement methodology provides our clients with the most expedient start on the site and the most efficient design for the works.

Risk:Cost and time of the risk is medium, quality and design risk is low.

Advantage:, possibilities of reduce project duration, last minute changes can be easily accommodate without problems, work packages better than the other procurement route.

Disadvantage:Many changes along the way,anything can be happen in cost evaluation and good quality must be depend on project team.

Reason for Rejection:

This procurement route is not suitable for selection because no cost and time certainty.

Construction Management:

Construction management expertise to be made rapidly available in the design team.Reduced confrontation between the design teams and the team responsible for the supervising construction, early involvement of construction management expertise, overlap of design and construction, increased competition work on large projects due to work packaging and splitting the construction activated into more digestible chunks, More even development of documentation, fewer contract variations, no need for nominated trade contractors and public accountability.

Risk:Cost and time of the risk is medium, quality and design risk is low.

Advantage:Early involvement of construction management expertise, possibilities of reduce project duration,work packages and last minute changes are similar to the management contracting, overlap of design and construction, Clarity of roles, risks and relationship for all participants.

Disadvantage:No cost evaluation can be happen, good quality must be depend on project brief team needs efficient manage of time and in order.

Reason for Rejection:

This procurement route is not suitable for selection because no cost and time certainty

建筑学论文代写  采购系统

