
8 年前 440次浏览 澳洲建筑学论文代写:中华民国已关闭评论



Although the countries with these emerging markets are fairly open I economic terms, but in some countries like the Republic of China, that is not the case on political level. Ruled by the Chinese Communist Party, China is regarded as one of the most right wing countries in the world today. It also has a reputation for not having a very good human right record. For an architect of architectural design firm accepting a commission from countries alike, places the design team as well as the individuals at an ethical cross road.

To explore the dilemma of ethics and social responsibility and how it has been faced by some leading architects and firms, by working within the context of these new markets. With a reference to several recent and high profile architectural commissions by a few leading architects and firms exploring the nature the geopolitical environment in new emerging world markets and ethical responsibility. Also to investigate the degree to which architects are compromised in their ability to intervene in the broader debate about urbanity and society.

The dramatic policy shift in 1978 by the Chinese Communist Party has led to new opportunities for capitalist business for investment. The countries fast growing economy created many new opportunities for western architectural firms to obtain work in China. So thus it makes sense for the architectural design firms that are capable of working in these new dynamic economies such as that of China, to exploit the opportunities that these new emerging economies present.

During the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing these issues were broad before the eyes of the world. Herzog and de Meuron's Olympic stadium, and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture's CCTV headquarters, for the Chinese state broadcaster. The work of other practitioners in China, such as Tom Mayne, Norman Foster and Steven Holl made headlines. Foster, Kisho Kurokawa, Eric Owen Moss that had done work in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as Zaha Hadid were published the architectural and the popular press. (Owen 2009:6)


