
8 年前 407次浏览 澳洲埃克斯特大学论文代写:客户关系已关闭评论 ,




Regarding the customer relationship management we aim to build a special bond between the department of Marketing and the customers, mainly through the website, so it would be easy for customers to criticize or to appreciate a service provided by Al-Diwan supermarket. As we will establish a way of targeting our customers using targeted e-mails that will be based on how often does a customer purchase a product, example on this "A customer having a restaurant might be interested in purchasing meat at a weekly bases, after he purchase meat at a weekly bases, his purchase order will be saved in a special account, later on when having an offer regarding any meat product a special targeted email will be sent to this costumer" this will help the costumer to be informed about our offers regarding what he is interested in, that will lead to customer loyalty, which is the main goal of any profitable and non- profitable organization "Customer loyalty" .

When we talk about internet based purchasing we face a lot of individuals that are able to purchase online but they are simply not interested to use this technology, so after introducing the web based purchasing we should apply an interesting offer to attract internet users to purchase online, so when the website is launched, a 10% discount will be given for every individual registering for a membership and purchasing online on Al-Diwan products.

